At Wellesley Primary School, Design and Technology is taught through following the Kapow scheme of work. The units have been carefully selected to ensure gradual progression towards the National curriculum end of key stage attainment targets and to cover all of the four strands:
- Design - Make - Evaluate - Technical knowledge
We intend for all children to acquire appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. It is our aim, where possible, to give children opportunities to make cross curricular links with other subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Computing, and Art. Implementation
Design and Technology is taught 3 times per year from Reception through to Year 6. The main skills are taught within each year group through projects each term allowing the children to experience and develop these crucial skills. These projects have been designed to include the main elements of designing, making and evaluating whilst developing the children’s technical knowledge. Themes include textiles, structures, cooking and nutrition, mechanisms/mechanical systems, digital work and electrical systems.
The outcomes of the projects are recorded in DT books through the use of detailed plans, design criteria, photo evidence of the skills being used and an informative evaluation.
These are assessed through our age - related expectations and key objectives for each unit of work, these allow accurate assessments to be made throughout the year.
As designers the children at Wellesley will develop skills and attributes they can use beyond school and into adulthood. The children will have opportunities to enjoy and gain confidence in design and technology that they can then apply to other areas of the curriculum. As pupils progress through the school, they will develop an understanding of designing, making, evaluating and enhance their technical knowledge through different units taught.