Wellesley Primary School has an identifying uniform. We believe it encourages children to be neat and tidy for work; it fosters pride in school; it prevents discrimination; it reduces arguments about clothes at home and it makes recognition of pupils easier. Please support us by ensuring that your child is wearing full uniform and not the latest fashion accessories! Parents should inform the shcool by letter if there is a reason why a pupil cannot wear full uniform
Our uniform with the school logo is supplied by Initially Yours. You can buy online or through their shop in Yate.
Visit their website: http://www.initiallyyours.co.uk/index.htm
Our uniform with the school logo is supplied by Initially Yours. You can buy online or through their shop in Yate.
Visit their website: http://www.initiallyyours.co.uk/index.htm
White shirt or polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (available with logo)
Grey or blue pinafore dress or skirt
Dary grey, black or navy blue trousers
Summer wear - blue gingham dress or grey or blue smart shorts to the knee
Blue, grey or white tights or socks
Brown, navy or black shoes.
Wellington boots for wet weather/wet field activities.
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (available with logo)
Grey or blue pinafore dress or skirt
Dary grey, black or navy blue trousers
Summer wear - blue gingham dress or grey or blue smart shorts to the knee
Blue, grey or white tights or socks
Brown, navy or black shoes.
Wellington boots for wet weather/wet field activities.
PE Uniform
House colour t-shirt or white t-shirt with or without logo
Blue shorts
Trainers for outdoor PE
Tracksuit for cold weather
Blue shorts
Trainers for outdoor PE
Tracksuit for cold weather
General Notes
No mini-skirts or long skirts
PE kit should include socks for girls if they come to school wearing tights.
For safety reasons, open toe shoes/sandals, boots and trainers should not be worn to school.
Jewellery should not be worn to school. Watches are allowed but should be named and remain the responsibility of the child. Plain stud earrings may be worn but pupils must be able to remove them for PE lessons.
Teachers can withdraw children from certain activity lessons if their clothing is a danger to their safety.
All items of clothing and footwear should be named with permanent lables.
Lost property is kept in cloakrooms.
PE kit should include socks for girls if they come to school wearing tights.
For safety reasons, open toe shoes/sandals, boots and trainers should not be worn to school.
Jewellery should not be worn to school. Watches are allowed but should be named and remain the responsibility of the child. Plain stud earrings may be worn but pupils must be able to remove them for PE lessons.
Teachers can withdraw children from certain activity lessons if their clothing is a danger to their safety.
All items of clothing and footwear should be named with permanent lables.
Lost property is kept in cloakrooms.