Developing happy learners
At Wellesley Primary School we value the individuality and potential of every child. We strive to develop happy, motivated young thinkers who ask questions about the world around them and who are well-equiped for life in the 21st Century. We teach a broad, balanced curriculum, but also nurture independent, responsible children thorugh our work to help our children to become the very best that they can be.
Aim high - reach for the sky!
Please refer to the full website for full curriculum details and details for each year group in every subject.
We aim to encourage our children to have a positive attitude towards mathematics, enjoying the fun and mental challenge it brings. We believe that allowing our pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of maths through practical activity, exploration and discussion gives them a secure start in using the number system more confidently. We have carefully planned a progression of methods which are taught from Year 1 to Year 6 that covers all National Curriuclum objectives. We also give children opportunities to explore problem solving activities that embed methods taught in all areas of mathematics. We encourage children to learn the key facts early as this underpins all our mathematics work, with this in mind, we encourage extra learning of times tables at home.
At Wellesley we teach the key elements of reading, writing, spelling, grammar, puctuation and handwriting through daily lessons and with additional class reading sessions. We believe that learning to read is central for all areas of development and is a vital skill for life. We encourage children to read as often as possible through a range of reading activities throughout the school year such as our Book Week, National World Poetry Day, Roald Dahl Day and Black History Month. We also have a key text for each term that links to our topic work and engages the children. Phonics is taught from EYFS onwards using the Read, Write Inc scheme. In years 2-6 we use Herts4Learning spelling scheme daily. This underpins children reading and writing development. Children are encouraged to become independent, confident writers who are able to write for a variety of meaningful purposes for example writing to our local MP, entering competions or writing to authors. In all aspects of work children are taught to use correct grammar and punctuation. In addition, the development of language and oracy is encouraged, developed and planned for throughout our topics.
Foundation Subjects
Although we base our teaching on topics, subjects are taught separately so children learn the specific skills for each one. Some units of work cannot be listed and so are taught discreetly. Some subjects are also taught as separate entities e.g. PE and languages.
All our lessons are planned and taught following the National Curriculum programmes of study.
Our science curriculum provides the foundations for understanding the world through the study of biology, chemistry and physics. Through our science work we aim to help children develop enquiring, curious minds with a sense of excitement about natural phenomena. They are encouraged to ask questions, make predictions and analyse results whilst accumulating knowledge. Wherever possible, science lessons are practical and children plan and carry out investigations and communicate their ideas in a variety of ways.
Our aim is to ensure that children become digitally literate: able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication techonology at a level suitable for the future workplace, and as active participants in a digital world. Each year the same topics are covered with increasing complexity, developing the knowledge, skills and understanding of our children.
E- safety forms a very important part of our work and each year children complete a unit of work, appropriate for their age, on staying safe online. This is supplemented by regular reminders and reviews, including participation in the national Internet Safety Day. Our work is based on a scheme of work produced by the Local Authority IT advisors (Integra).
History is the study of the human past and the means that we use to find and communicate it. At Wellesley we teach history through a range of Creative Curriculum projects and topics; we hope that these fire the children's curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. The children are encouraged to consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influences people's actions. As they do this, pupils develop a chronological framewortk for their knowledge or significant events and people. History helps children to appreciate the diversity of human life and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. The children learn the skills of researching that needed to gather and evaluate evidence in order to reach their conclusions.
Geography is concerned with the study of places, the human and physical processes that shape them, and the people who live them. At Wellesley we teach geography through a range of Creative Curriculum projects and topics; the children study their local area, parts of the South-West, and localities in the United Kingdom, and other parts of the world. Geography helps children to gain a greater understanding of the ways of life and cultures of people in other places. It develops their knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, and understanding of maps, and a range of investigative and problem-solving skills both inside and outside the classroom. Geography provides the children with opportunities to investigate issues about the environment and sustainable development, it is also an important link between the natural and social sciences. As pupils study geography then encounter different societies and cultures, this helps them realise how nations rely on and support each other. We hope that it inpires children to think about their own place in the world, their values and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment.
Our physical education curriculum offers a broad range of activities to allow our children to make and sustain healthy, active life choices. We aim to provide opportunities for children to compete in sports and other character building activities, whilst embedding those important values of fairness and respect. In KS1 we focus on developing competently and confidently key movement skills in a variety of different activities. They will perform these individually and with others and also will start to engage in competitive and co-operative situations. In KS2 the children will develop these fundamental skills further by learning how to use them in different ways. Through games, dance and gymnastic activities they will have opportunities link actions together and make sequences of movement. During the lessons children will have chance to communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. As well as time to improve on key skills, evaluate performances and recognise their own success. KS2 children will go swimming with their class once during the school year in a hope to swim 25 metres or further. Our curriculum is enriched during the lesson and after school by specialised sport coaches and we also aim to run a variety of after school sports clubs. Special sporting events will be held throughout the school year giving the children chances to join together as a whole school and work with their house team. We also aim to provide a range of opportunities to represent Wellesley in competition with other schools in the area.
Design & Technology
The Design and Technology curriculum enables children to develop knowledge and skills in a fun and practical way. It gives children the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding in materials and components, mechanisms and control systems, structures, existing products, quality and health and safety. Children acquire practical, scientific and mathematical skills, apply computing and art skills. Design and Technology also encompasesses food technology. The children in each year group will have regular opportunities to handle foodstuffs and bake in the children's kitchen. Their creations may link to the termly topic or be to teach a specific skill.
Religious Education
The principle aim of Religious Education is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions as well as develop responses of their own. At Wellesley, we do this through a daily act of worship which poses inquiring questions to stimulate the children's thought processes. RE is a vibrant subject, which is often enriched by artefacts and other subjects particularly art, music and PSHE. We believe it can support our whole school ethos of care and respect as well as valuing others. The teaching of RE always starts with a question for the children to explore. The questions are taken from one of three strands, which are:
Believing - based on the religious beliefs, teachings and sources. These questions focus on meaning, purpose and truth.
Expressing - based on religious and spiritual forms of expression. These questions are about identify and diversity.
Living - based on religious practices and ways and living. These questions are about values and commitments.
Personal, Social & Health Education
The curriculum supports pupils' spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
Art is an exciting subject which all children can access at their individual level. At Wellesley we teach the skills of drawing, painting, print making, collage, creating a 3D format and skills relating to textiles. The children will be encouraged to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. Within the creative curriculum there are many opportunities for the children to utilize their skills and select their own resources and materials. Three times during the year the children have the opportunity to explore a wide range of medium, sometimes creating an individual masterpiece or working with collectively with others on a bigger project. Children are encouraged to talk about the work of a range of artists, craft makers, architects and designers; describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, finally making links to their own work. Key Stage 2 children will be encouraged to develop a portfolio of their own work in the form of a sketch book. A common theme at the end of a piece of work will be that the children are asked to reveiw what they have done and discuss how they feel about their work, what they might change or how they would develop the work future art work. Children's art work will be celebrated and be the focus of many eye-catching displays within school.
Modern Foreign Languages
Pupils learn French from Year 3 onwards. The curriculum for languages aims to ensure that pupils understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic souces. We achieve this through the use of Salut! This is a fun resource which is used through the interactive whiteboards to teach children vocabulary and grammar across a range of topis via games, songs and stories.
The Music curriculum at Wellesley Primary School aims to ensure that all children perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. The children will learn to sing, create and compose music on their own and with others, and have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. They will explore how music is created, produced and communicated. We use the Charanga Music World scheme of work which is supported by the South Gloucestershire Music Service.
At Wellesley we want to develop creative, independent children who enjoy learning. In order to achieve this, the majority of our subjects are taught through topics or through quality books that motivate and interest the children, e.g. Ancient Greece, The Iron Man, Anglo Saxons/Vikings/Mayans, Supertata and Meerkat Mail. Each topic involves opportunities to be creative through art, dance, music, science or DT.
At Wellesley Primary School we value the individuality and potential of every child. We strive to develop happy, motivated young thinkers who ask questions about the world around them and who are well-equiped for life in the 21st Century. We teach a broad, balanced curriculum, but also nurture independent, responsible children thorugh our work to help our children to become the very best that they can be.
Aim high - reach for the sky!
Please refer to the full website for full curriculum details and details for each year group in every subject.
We aim to encourage our children to have a positive attitude towards mathematics, enjoying the fun and mental challenge it brings. We believe that allowing our pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of maths through practical activity, exploration and discussion gives them a secure start in using the number system more confidently. We have carefully planned a progression of methods which are taught from Year 1 to Year 6 that covers all National Curriuclum objectives. We also give children opportunities to explore problem solving activities that embed methods taught in all areas of mathematics. We encourage children to learn the key facts early as this underpins all our mathematics work, with this in mind, we encourage extra learning of times tables at home.
At Wellesley we teach the key elements of reading, writing, spelling, grammar, puctuation and handwriting through daily lessons and with additional class reading sessions. We believe that learning to read is central for all areas of development and is a vital skill for life. We encourage children to read as often as possible through a range of reading activities throughout the school year such as our Book Week, National World Poetry Day, Roald Dahl Day and Black History Month. We also have a key text for each term that links to our topic work and engages the children. Phonics is taught from EYFS onwards using the Read, Write Inc scheme. In years 2-6 we use Herts4Learning spelling scheme daily. This underpins children reading and writing development. Children are encouraged to become independent, confident writers who are able to write for a variety of meaningful purposes for example writing to our local MP, entering competions or writing to authors. In all aspects of work children are taught to use correct grammar and punctuation. In addition, the development of language and oracy is encouraged, developed and planned for throughout our topics.
Foundation Subjects
Although we base our teaching on topics, subjects are taught separately so children learn the specific skills for each one. Some units of work cannot be listed and so are taught discreetly. Some subjects are also taught as separate entities e.g. PE and languages.
All our lessons are planned and taught following the National Curriculum programmes of study.
Our science curriculum provides the foundations for understanding the world through the study of biology, chemistry and physics. Through our science work we aim to help children develop enquiring, curious minds with a sense of excitement about natural phenomena. They are encouraged to ask questions, make predictions and analyse results whilst accumulating knowledge. Wherever possible, science lessons are practical and children plan and carry out investigations and communicate their ideas in a variety of ways.
Our aim is to ensure that children become digitally literate: able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication techonology at a level suitable for the future workplace, and as active participants in a digital world. Each year the same topics are covered with increasing complexity, developing the knowledge, skills and understanding of our children.
E- safety forms a very important part of our work and each year children complete a unit of work, appropriate for their age, on staying safe online. This is supplemented by regular reminders and reviews, including participation in the national Internet Safety Day. Our work is based on a scheme of work produced by the Local Authority IT advisors (Integra).
History is the study of the human past and the means that we use to find and communicate it. At Wellesley we teach history through a range of Creative Curriculum projects and topics; we hope that these fire the children's curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. The children are encouraged to consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influences people's actions. As they do this, pupils develop a chronological framewortk for their knowledge or significant events and people. History helps children to appreciate the diversity of human life and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. The children learn the skills of researching that needed to gather and evaluate evidence in order to reach their conclusions.
Geography is concerned with the study of places, the human and physical processes that shape them, and the people who live them. At Wellesley we teach geography through a range of Creative Curriculum projects and topics; the children study their local area, parts of the South-West, and localities in the United Kingdom, and other parts of the world. Geography helps children to gain a greater understanding of the ways of life and cultures of people in other places. It develops their knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, and understanding of maps, and a range of investigative and problem-solving skills both inside and outside the classroom. Geography provides the children with opportunities to investigate issues about the environment and sustainable development, it is also an important link between the natural and social sciences. As pupils study geography then encounter different societies and cultures, this helps them realise how nations rely on and support each other. We hope that it inpires children to think about their own place in the world, their values and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment.
Our physical education curriculum offers a broad range of activities to allow our children to make and sustain healthy, active life choices. We aim to provide opportunities for children to compete in sports and other character building activities, whilst embedding those important values of fairness and respect. In KS1 we focus on developing competently and confidently key movement skills in a variety of different activities. They will perform these individually and with others and also will start to engage in competitive and co-operative situations. In KS2 the children will develop these fundamental skills further by learning how to use them in different ways. Through games, dance and gymnastic activities they will have opportunities link actions together and make sequences of movement. During the lessons children will have chance to communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. As well as time to improve on key skills, evaluate performances and recognise their own success. KS2 children will go swimming with their class once during the school year in a hope to swim 25 metres or further. Our curriculum is enriched during the lesson and after school by specialised sport coaches and we also aim to run a variety of after school sports clubs. Special sporting events will be held throughout the school year giving the children chances to join together as a whole school and work with their house team. We also aim to provide a range of opportunities to represent Wellesley in competition with other schools in the area.
Design & Technology
The Design and Technology curriculum enables children to develop knowledge and skills in a fun and practical way. It gives children the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding in materials and components, mechanisms and control systems, structures, existing products, quality and health and safety. Children acquire practical, scientific and mathematical skills, apply computing and art skills. Design and Technology also encompasesses food technology. The children in each year group will have regular opportunities to handle foodstuffs and bake in the children's kitchen. Their creations may link to the termly topic or be to teach a specific skill.
Religious Education
The principle aim of Religious Education is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions as well as develop responses of their own. At Wellesley, we do this through a daily act of worship which poses inquiring questions to stimulate the children's thought processes. RE is a vibrant subject, which is often enriched by artefacts and other subjects particularly art, music and PSHE. We believe it can support our whole school ethos of care and respect as well as valuing others. The teaching of RE always starts with a question for the children to explore. The questions are taken from one of three strands, which are:
Believing - based on the religious beliefs, teachings and sources. These questions focus on meaning, purpose and truth.
Expressing - based on religious and spiritual forms of expression. These questions are about identify and diversity.
Living - based on religious practices and ways and living. These questions are about values and commitments.
Personal, Social & Health Education
The curriculum supports pupils' spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
Art is an exciting subject which all children can access at their individual level. At Wellesley we teach the skills of drawing, painting, print making, collage, creating a 3D format and skills relating to textiles. The children will be encouraged to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. Within the creative curriculum there are many opportunities for the children to utilize their skills and select their own resources and materials. Three times during the year the children have the opportunity to explore a wide range of medium, sometimes creating an individual masterpiece or working with collectively with others on a bigger project. Children are encouraged to talk about the work of a range of artists, craft makers, architects and designers; describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, finally making links to their own work. Key Stage 2 children will be encouraged to develop a portfolio of their own work in the form of a sketch book. A common theme at the end of a piece of work will be that the children are asked to reveiw what they have done and discuss how they feel about their work, what they might change or how they would develop the work future art work. Children's art work will be celebrated and be the focus of many eye-catching displays within school.
Modern Foreign Languages
Pupils learn French from Year 3 onwards. The curriculum for languages aims to ensure that pupils understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic souces. We achieve this through the use of Salut! This is a fun resource which is used through the interactive whiteboards to teach children vocabulary and grammar across a range of topis via games, songs and stories.
The Music curriculum at Wellesley Primary School aims to ensure that all children perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. The children will learn to sing, create and compose music on their own and with others, and have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. They will explore how music is created, produced and communicated. We use the Charanga Music World scheme of work which is supported by the South Gloucestershire Music Service.
At Wellesley we want to develop creative, independent children who enjoy learning. In order to achieve this, the majority of our subjects are taught through topics or through quality books that motivate and interest the children, e.g. Ancient Greece, The Iron Man, Anglo Saxons/Vikings/Mayans, Supertata and Meerkat Mail. Each topic involves opportunities to be creative through art, dance, music, science or DT.