Wellesley is a small primary school with approximately 210 children on roll. We offer an open, friendly environment where parents, staff and governors work together to give children every opportunity to be confident and happy learners.
A highly dedicated team of staff ensure that all children receive a challenging, fun filled and rewarding curriculum.
We have exciting grounds which encompases outdoor learning. We have a pond and outdoor classroom as well as many structures designed to encourage creative play. As part of our outdoor curriculum, we have Forest Skills, encouraging chilren to experience the great outdoors.
Children are encouraged to develop as caring and considerate citizens of the furture. They are given opportunities to contribute to the decision making process of the school through getting involved in class and school councils. Children regularly participate in charitable fundraising activites and are given responsiblities such as leading assemblies or helping to run the school library.
School Vision
Our school vision was created by pupils, staff, governors and members of the local community.
At Wellesley Primary School we aim to make every day an exciting and challenging learning adventure. We will achieve this by:
- Developing happy, motivated children who have high aspirations for their future.
- Teaching the children the skills they need to become life-long learners.
- Inspiring thoughtful, inquisitive children who respect and appreciate their environment.
- Embracing a wideurriculum and promoting healthy, active lifestyles.
- Celebrating and taking pride in all our achievements.
- Valuing the importance of working with each other, our parents and the local community.
- Nurturing caring and respectful individuals who have good manners and are well behaved.
Quotes from our last OFSTED
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of eduction in the school since the last inspection. The checks on teaching form part of a thorough monitoring process which improves outcomes for pupils, as well as improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
Behaviour across the school is positive and pupils demonstrate courtesy towards every member of the school.
There is a positive relationship with parents and invite them in regularly to involve them in school life.
This is a caring, nurturing learning environment.
Safeguarding is effective - members of the designated safeguaring team are aware of their responsibilities and carry these out meticulously.
Pupils, parents and staff are overwhemingly positve about the school..
To view the latest OFSTED report in full please click here.
A highly dedicated team of staff ensure that all children receive a challenging, fun filled and rewarding curriculum.
We have exciting grounds which encompases outdoor learning. We have a pond and outdoor classroom as well as many structures designed to encourage creative play. As part of our outdoor curriculum, we have Forest Skills, encouraging chilren to experience the great outdoors.
Children are encouraged to develop as caring and considerate citizens of the furture. They are given opportunities to contribute to the decision making process of the school through getting involved in class and school councils. Children regularly participate in charitable fundraising activites and are given responsiblities such as leading assemblies or helping to run the school library.
School Vision
Our school vision was created by pupils, staff, governors and members of the local community.
At Wellesley Primary School we aim to make every day an exciting and challenging learning adventure. We will achieve this by:
- Developing happy, motivated children who have high aspirations for their future.
- Teaching the children the skills they need to become life-long learners.
- Inspiring thoughtful, inquisitive children who respect and appreciate their environment.
- Embracing a wideurriculum and promoting healthy, active lifestyles.
- Celebrating and taking pride in all our achievements.
- Valuing the importance of working with each other, our parents and the local community.
- Nurturing caring and respectful individuals who have good manners and are well behaved.
Quotes from our last OFSTED
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of eduction in the school since the last inspection. The checks on teaching form part of a thorough monitoring process which improves outcomes for pupils, as well as improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
Behaviour across the school is positive and pupils demonstrate courtesy towards every member of the school.
There is a positive relationship with parents and invite them in regularly to involve them in school life.
This is a caring, nurturing learning environment.
Safeguarding is effective - members of the designated safeguaring team are aware of their responsibilities and carry these out meticulously.
Pupils, parents and staff are overwhemingly positve about the school..
To view the latest OFSTED report in full please click here.