Year 1 Topics
Autumn Term

During the first term, our topic is ‘Into the woods!’  In geography the children will learn about physical and human features by exploring the school grounds and the local environment during a visit to Wapley Woods.  We will think about the seasons and weather during our science lessons and also explore the world around us and identify the different materials that things are made from. In art we will focus on mixing the primary colours to create a masterpiece inspired by our summer holiday memories.

In Term 2, our topic is based around the Man on The Moon. The children will have the opportunity to explore space travel and also learn the history of famous people who have travelled in space, such as Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. We will continue to explore materials in science and look at different ways to join these in DT to make a moving picture. 

Spring Term

In term 3, we will be using Mog the Forgetful Cat to learn about pets.  This links nicely to our science topic where we explore different animal groups and discuss their features. As well as this we will continue to think about the seasons and weather and discuss how this has changed since the beginning of the school year. In geography we will explore the local area that we live in and compare to where Mog lives.

In term 4, our topic will be ‘Save the Whale!’ The children will continue to classify and group animals in science and also think about some issues whales may face through the story Storm Whale and a newspaper report ‘Stranded on the sand’. In geography the children will learn that England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland make up the United Kingdom and will also learn each capital city. They will have the opportunity to explore maps and look at the physical and human features linked to the coastal setting of the Storm Whale. Our DT food focus of spreading will allow the children to make a sandwich for Noi’s father to take to work.

Summer Term

During term 5, the children will become Superheroes!  They will consider real life superheroes and their powers and also look back in history at other significant people, such as Mary Seacole.  The children will learn the importance of the things they did in their lives and the effect that has had on the way we live today.  Our science will continue to explore seasonal changes and also look at plants and how they grow. They will even start to grow their own potatoes.  In DT the children will be slicing fruit and vegetables and making delicious soup and super smoothies.
In our final term in year 1, we will use Mrs Armitage on Wheels to learn how a bicycle has changed throughout history. The children will have the opportunity to share their bicycles and discuss the similarities and differences with reference to how they have changed for the better.   In DT the children will learn about wheels and axels and use this to create their own moving vehicle. As a class we will visit Westonbirt Arboretum to continue to learn about plants and trees in science as well as enjoying some forest school activities.