Year 5 Topics
Our topic in Term 1 is Active Earth. In this geography-based topic, we study the structure of the earth and plate tectonics. We use maps to locate the main plate fault lines and study what happens when these move. We will focus on the causes and effects of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and hurricanes. This links to our English text of 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth.' In science, we study the planets and solar system. We learn about the shape of the earth, sun and moon; how we get day, night and the seasons and also the order of the planets.
In Term 2, we read a text called 'The Promise' which has a strong environmental message about of effect on the earth and climate change. We use this to link to our science topic about living things and their habitats, learning about life cycles and how animals effect the world around them.
In Term 3, we learn about who the Anglo-Saxons were and why they came to England. We study aspects of their daily life such as food, clothing, homes, religion and the army. Year 5 learn about main archeological sources of information such as Saxon discoveries at Sutton Hoo. We use maps to see where the Saxons came from and we design and use DT skills to make Anglo-Saxon houses.
In Term 4, we learn about the Windrush Generation and why people came from the Carribean and other areas to Great Britain after WW2. We use maps to find out the migration journey of different people. Year 5 use this topic to explore diversity and equality issues that are just as relevant today.
Our topic in Term 5 is based around the invasion of the Vikings and how they influenced Britain. The children design, make and test their own Viking long ships in DT and geography work using maps to explore and find out where the Vikings came from. Our Science work explores materials and different revisible and irreversible changes and ways to separate mixtures.
In our final term, we base our topic on our end of year production with Year 6. We explore art and DT to make props and scenery to support this. In Science, we learn about animals including us in our RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) topic.