Year 4 Creative
In the Autumn term our topics will be based first on a short film called 'Soar' and then the Ancient Greeks. In term 1, the children will use their learning in science about electricity to add light up parts to their own flying machies. In term 2, the children will learn about the lives and customs of the Ancient Greeks. They will again use atlases to develop their understanding of where Greece is in the world, and will compare Ancient Greece to modern day. In art children will paint Greek pots and in food technology they will have the opportunity to cook some Greek foods. In PE the children will explore the myth of the Trojan Horse through dance.
In the Spring term our topics will be based on the book 'Leon and the Place Between' and the Great Barrier Reef. Before half term the children will link their learning in science (Changing states of matter) to the magic of the story. In DT the children will learn about the environment of the Great Barrier Reef, which will link to their learning in science about animal classifcation. They will use the habitat as inspiration for art.
In the Summer term, our first topic will be based on the tales of Robin Hood. Children will use coordinates and compass points to plan routes, and will learn about plants. They will use textiles to make cushions with Robin Hood designs. After half-term, the children will learn about the Romans and the invasion of Britain. They will learn about Roman settlements in the UK and Roman numerals. The topic will also include a trip to a Roman site.