Children work in class pods of no more than 30. Classes do not mix.
Staggered entry, breaks and lunchtime.
Good ventilation throughout the school building.
Regular handwashing throughout the school.
Children have their own working space and own set of resouces. Shared resouces are cleaned regularly.
Children remain at desks - very little movement around the class. Following advice from the LA, grouped tables can now be used for more effective teaching.
Limited movement around school, other than to go to the toilet, cloakroom or to a group room (supervised).
Staff members to monitor and regularly clean touch points in corridors and toilets.
Any child complaining of illness/showing symptoms will be isolated straight away.
Extra cleaning by our cleaning staff after school.
Visitors to school will be kept to a minimum and they will be asked to wear a mask where appropriate and sanitise hands on arrival.
School maintenance providers will visit the school out of hours where possible.