Religious Education
The principle aim of Religious Education is to engage the children's thought processes so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate, appraise and respond to questions regarding different faiths and cultures.
At Wellesley Primary we follow the Discovery RE scheme (in accordance with the South Gloucestershire SACRE Syllabus) which is based on an enquiry approach to learning. Each enquiry is underpinned with a human perspective; this is explored within each child's own experience. The children's personal resonance with the enquiry forms the link into the world of religion. Christianity is taught in every year group, alongside one other religion which is recognised in Britain.
RE plays a significant role in developing the children's spiritual, moral, cultural and social skills. The children are supported to engage, investigate, evaluate and express themselves while being respectful, understanding and sensitive to the beliefs of others.
We do this through a daily act of worship which poses questions to stimulate the children's thought processes. RE is a vibrant subject which is often enriched by resources and other subjects particularly PSHE, music and art.